We provide tailor-made management including:

  1. Invoice unit owners on a monthly basis, including a return envelope
  2. Collecting monthly common charges, assessments, late fees, and fines
  3. Pay association bills in accordance with Board approved procedures
  4. Enforce collection of delinquent dues
  5. Prepare financial statements including income statement, balance sheet, delinquency report, etc.
  6. Assist Board and Treasurer in preparation of annual budget
  7. Support enforcement of Rules and Regulations violations
  8. Attend Board of Director\'s meetings and Unit Owner\'s meetings
  9. Monitor association\'s vendor compliance with regards to insurance and licensing renewals
  10. Maintain the records of the association
  11. Maintain compliance by the association of Federal, State, and Local filing requirements and recordkeeping
  12. Assist the Board of Directors and interpret the numerous changes to the State of Connecticut Condominium Statutes